Texte 13 - Sonderheft zum Public Value Bericht 13/14

Contributions of all 27 EU member states

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Seethaler, Josef: "Journalistische Kompetenz im digitalen Zeitalter", Seite 4-7. Deutsch.
Donders, Karen & Pauwels, Caroline: "Public Service Media a means to an end", page 8-10. English.
Raycheva, Lilia: "The challenges of digitalization to the Bulgarian Public Service Media", page 11-18. English.
Peruško, Zrinjka: "The challenge of maintaining community in the face of the market", page 19-21. English.
Milioni, Dimitra L. & Spyridou, Lia- Pschalia: "The present and future of PSM under austerity: the case of CYBC", page 22-26. English.
Jiràk, Jan & Köpplovà, Barbara: "Vielversprechende Aussichten oder große Illusionen?", Seite 27-30. Deutsch.
Brink Lund, Anker & Nissen, Christian S.: "Three challenges and a fine kept balance", page 31-33. English.
Lõhmus, Maarja: "Public media is the pillar of Europeanism that unifies all states and nations", page 34-35. English.
Ala-Fossi, Marko: "The four horsemen of the post-broadcast era", page 36-39. English.
Balle, Francis: "Le face à face üublic-privè: la règulation, entre les règlements et la concurrence", page 40-42. Français.
Thomaß, Barbara: "Wie wichtig sind öffentlich-rechtliche Medien im digitalen Zeitalter?", Seite 43-46. Deutsch.
Gundlach, Hardy: "Die Zukunft des Public Service Broadcasting in den digitalen Gesellschaften Europas", Seite 47-50. Deutsch.
Losfidis, Petros: "Pluralsim and public service media", page 51-54. English.
Bajomi-Làzàr, Pèter: "Public Service Broadcasting in Hungary: a mission impossible?", page 55-58. English.
Flynn, Roderick: "How important shall Public Service Media be in the european digital media age?", page 59-63. English.
Alessandro, D'Arma: "Public Service Media in Europe at times of crisis: some reflections", page 64-66. English.
Brikše, Inta: "Creating public value in a digital media landscape", page 67-74. English.
Juraite, Kristina: "Recharging Public Service Media discourse: diversity focus", page 75-78. English.
Barth, Christof: "Identität und Public Value", Seite 79-81. Deutsch.
Borg, Joseph: "Evolving PSB core values: the Maltese experience", page 82-84. English.
Costera Meijer, Irene: "Public value or valuable to the public", page 85-88. English.
Głowacki, Michał: "Reflections on culture and public media in the digital ecosystems", page 89-92. English.
Santos- Clara, Almeida & Santos, Silvio: "Running to win the >indispensability< race", page 93-95. English.
Mustata, Dana: "The plea for history and the return to Europe", page 96-98. English.
Školkay, Andrej: "Necessary for a liberal democracy", page 99–101. English.
Hrvatin, Sandra Baši´c: "Snatch the Public Service!", page 102-104. English.
Espín, Marc & Fernàndez-Alonso, Isabel: "The Spanish public broadcasting system at a crossroads", page 105-107. English.
Hultèn, Gunilla: "Channelling diversity", page 108-111. English.
Wyss, Vinzenz: "Den öffentlichen Rundfunk entfesseln", Seite 112-115. Deutsch
Sihvonen, Mikko: "Whither public service entertainment - or how it helped to save the future of Public Service Media", page 116-118. English.
Jackson, Lizzie: ">MyBBC< in the digital media age", page 119-122. English.

TEXTE 13 - academic issue

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Tables of content:

Donders, Karen & Pauwels, Caroline: "Public Service Media a means to an end", page 8-10. English.
Raycheva, Lilia: "The challenges of digitalization to the Bulgarian Public Service Media", page 11-18. English.
Peruško, Zrinjka: "The challenge of maintaining community in the face of the market", page 19-21. English.
Milioni, Dimitra L. & Spyridou, Lia- Pschalia: "The present and future of PSM under austerity: the case of CYBC", page 22-26. English.
Brink Lund, Anker & Nissen, Christian S.: "Three challenges and a fine kept balance", page 31-33. English.
Lõhmus , Maarja: "Public media is the pillar of Europeanism that unifies all states and nations", page 34- 35. English.
Ala-Fossi, Marko: "The four horsemen of the post-broadcast era", page 36-39. English.
Losfidis, Petros: "Pluralsim and public service media", page 51-54. English.
Bajomi-Làzàr, Pèter: "Public Service Broadcasting in Hungary: a mission impossible?", page 55-58. English.
Flynn, Roderick: "How important shall Public Service Media be in the european digital media age?", page 59-63. English.
Alessandro, D'Arma: "Public Service Media in Europe at times of crisis: some reflections", page 64-66. English.
Brikše, Inta: "Creating public value in a digital media landscape", page 67-74. English.
Juraite, Kristina: "Recharging Public Service Media discourse: diversity focus", page 75-78. English.
Borg, Joseph: "Evolving PSB core values: the Maltese experience", page 82-84. English.
Costera Meijer, Irene: "Public value or valuable to the public", page 85-88. English.
Głowacki, Michał: "Reflections on culture and public media in the digital ecosystems", page 89-92. English.
Santos- Clara, Almeida & Santos, Silvio:” Running to win the >indispensability< race”, page 93-95. English.
Mustata, Dana: "The plea for history and the return to Europe", page 96-98. English.
Školkay, Andrej: "Necessary for a liberal democracy", page 99-101. English.
Hrvatin, Sandra Baši´c: "Snatch the Public Service!", page 102-104. English.
Espín, Marc & Fernàndez-Alonso, Isabel: "The Spanish public broadcasting system at a crossroads", page 105-107. English.
Hultèn, Gunilla: "Channelling diversity", page 108-111. English.
Sihvonen, Mikko: "Whither public service entertainment - or how it helped to save the future of Public Service Media", page 116-118. English.
Jackson, Lizzie: ">MyBBC< in the digital media age", page 119-122. English.

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Trailer zur Public-Value-Woche im ORF