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Monika Kalcsics, Editor Ö1 #7 How do we repair the future? The coronavirus has once again shown us how interconnected and interdependent we are. This affects our health, our economy, the environment - simply everything. That's why we are called upon to share and pool our ideas. As a public broadcaster, we can make ideas visible by inviting our audience to think and participate. Digital platforms offer us a great opportunity to engage in dialogue with our audience. Places of shared learning and experimentation can emerge.

In January 2020, we launched the initiative "Repair of the Future - The Casting of New Ideas" on Ö1: an Austria-wide search for innovative ideas or already realized projects that are working on solutions for tomorrow's society. In 2021, we will look beyond Austria's borders and launch the global casting of new ideas.

From the very beginning, the initiative was a call for us to think in new and different ways about how we can meet the challenges of our time. We took the initiative as an opportunity to expand Ö1 as a classic transmitter-receiver radio station and to involve the audience. Above all, we wanted to make young adults heard - as the future generation of decision-makers and new voices, including in our station. To do that, we had to go where they wouldn't look for us: on channels outside of radio. With the resources at our disposal, we primarily played on our social media channels. Because that's not enough, we brought cooperation partners on board who spread the word about the initiative on their platforms. Of course, we also called for participation in the "Casting of New Ideas" on the radio. Our traditional listeners may not be young adults, but they are excellent multipliers. That's how we managed to get broad participation. 220 projects from all over Austria, from the city and the country, had landed on our video platform by September 2020, which we set up on the Ö1 website. A media hub for know-how transfer and generational dialog has been created. A place for innovation, engagement and self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is probably one of the most important educational resources, because what good is knowledge if we don't feel motivated to take steps ourselves?