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Lisa Zuckerstätter, Head of Access Services #22 Which means are suitable for accessibility? When most people think of "responsibility in the digital world", they probably think of the handling of personal data in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which finally came into force in 2018 after a long transition period.
As a public broadcaster, we have a clear stance here: data is a precious commodity, perhaps soon to be the most precious commodity of all, and it must be handled conscientiously. Otherwise, we will lose our users and, in the long run, our reputation among the population. But it is not only in the realm of data that ORF should have clear ideas about how it wants to live responsibility.
As Head of Access Services, I understand more by 'digital responsibility': How can we extend digital responsibility to the areas of environmental protection and sustainability? The fact that streaming online content is harmful to the climate is no longer a secret. So how can we respond to the changing usage behaviour of our audience without losing sight of environmental considerations? Keyword: "green streaming".
How can we - assuming that there will be more and more "digital" professions - help to get more women and girls interested in them? Keywords: programme priorities, quotas in ORF for the purpose of setting an example.

How do we achieve the digital inclusion of people who, due to physical and/or mental disabilities, have so far only been able to participate in the media landscape to a limited extent? Accessibility is not a luxury, but must increasingly become a matter of course. Audio commentary and subtitles, but also accessible writing and "simple news" are tried and tested means for this.

We as ORF must also face these questions and challenges in the coming years.
And we must do our best to answer them. Because one thing is clear: digitisation is here. And only if we take responsibility and do our part, will we create a future for all of us.