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PSM in Europe Corona International

In a times of crisis, trust in news is important in the relationship between media and their audience. Measuring trust is therefore essential for tracking citizens' perceptions of the media system in general and a media organization and its output in particular. New results about trust in news and COVID-19 were released by EBU's Media Intelligence Service (MIS). The report is primarily based on survey data from m GlobalWebIndex, Reuters Institute, British regulator Ofcom and EBU member organizations.

Key Findings:

• The trust gap is particularly high for social networks:
Globally, TV news channels are the most-used source of COVID-19 information, and the second most-trusted source after government updates. Social networks have the biggest trust gap: while 47% use it, only 14% rank it as one of the most trustworthy sources.

• TV is considered a trustworthy source for news about the virus:
Besides governement updates, also TV News Bulletins, TV News Channels and Updates from Health Organisations are the most trustworthy source of information.

• News Organisations are more trusted than online plattforms:
A survey shows that citizens from Germany, the UK and Spain rate news organizations as more trustworthy than digital platforms for information about the pandemic.

• Citizens turn to PSM for reliable information. For example:
The BBC is among the most trusted source of crisis news in the UK. 86%of listeners trust BBC radio coverage, 84% of users trust in BBC online coverage, whereas 83% of viewers trust their TV reporting.

• PSM are seen as trustworthy sources of information about the outbreak. For example:
88% of Norwegians trust the COVID-19 coverage of NRK. 90% of Czech Television news viewers consider the crisis coverage of their pubcaster as trustworthy. 68% of French people perceive information about the crisis obtained through PSM TV as trustworthy - the highest figure compared to any other news source.

More Infos (Members Only):


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