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PSM in Europe Corona International

Matthew Trustram, EBU's Head of Television talks about solidarity in times of crisis and how COVID-19 bore a new EBU programme exchange.

On 19 March 2020 a group of around 50 EBU TV members discussed in "a memorably sombre virtual roundtable meeting" the impact of the lockdown (which took part all over Europe) on TV workflows. "Like many on that call, I was, personally, left almost speechless by the grim realization that the vast majority of TV production was about to become impossible, and that we, collectively, were facing every broadcasting professional's worst nightmare: dead air. And this just at the time when audiences would be needing quality programmes more than ever, to transport themselves out of their isolation, a situation calling almost for the recoining of the word 'tele-vision'", Matthew Trustram reflects.

The need was clear: the EBU had to find a way to make programmes circulate among its Members, and quickly. So Trustram and his colleagues "spent long hours designing the nuts and bolts of a programme selection and distribution system". They contributed an agile and flexible legal framework and colleagues from Technology and Innovation gave vital advice on technical solutions.

"In the first round of the appeal, over 1500 hours of programmes were offered by over 20 Members of all shapes and sizes. In the second round, currently in pre-selection, the numbers are similar, and even more broadcasters have become involved." On 23 April they were able to deliver the frist tranche of programming. Now over 100 hours of programmes are available to the EBU's Active and Associate Members across Europe and the world.

"I can truly say I have never seen anything like it in ten years at the EBU." Trustram points out that it was never the EBU's intention to get involved with programme distribution because "in normal times, there's a well-functioning sector of the broadcasting industry that handles that very well".

It is his aim to carefully analyze what the effects of this initiative once they have addressed the primary needs. "For now, it's consoling to feel that such a positive cultural exchange can emerge from these times of suffering."

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