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Katia Rössner & Judith Weissenböck, ORF Equal Opportunities Officer #41-44 New game, new chances? The role models conveyed in digital media are an important basis for young people to form their own identity. As a public broadcaster, ORF has a special responsibility here.

#42 WHO uses digital media?
70% of women and 81% 1of men in Austria use the internet daily. This gender gap is due to the lower internet penetration among older women; there is no difference in use among the younger population.

#43 HOW do the genders use online tools?
Women and men use communication-related tools (messenger, social media, telephony) equally, but media use via the internet (TV/streaming/video, radio/audio/music) and online gaming are still the domain of men. So there is still potential here to increasingly address women and thus increase the target group for digital products.

#43 WHO does the digital ORF need?
A gender-appropriate digital offer can only be guaranteed if women and men are equally involved in the technical and content development and design from the very beginning. They have different approaches to topics and show society from their different perspectives.
Away from gender, a good age mix is necessary to create a programme that brings on board the young generation, which ORF is reaching less and less with its linear offerings.
This is to be achieved, among other things, through a user-centred development of the digital offer. The focus is on a regular exchange with the various target groups that need to be reached. Versatile content that meets the needs of people of all ages is the goal. This also requires a corresponding diversity in development.

50:50 also on the digital platforms. Preferably EQUAL!

1Source: INTEGRAL, AIM -Austrian Internet Monitor, rep. Austrians aged 14+, March -November 2020, n=4,000 (1,000 per quarter); hybrid sample.