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03 | MARCH - Responsibility The beauty of the shards - Elisabeth Gollackner, ORF1 DOK1, as a comparatively young format on ORF, thrives on the fact that it is allowed to go beyond the scope of ordinary documentaries every now and then. One of these attempts was the episode called "Survived," which portrayed people who narrowly escaped death. The positive response to it encouraged us to make more of it. And that's how the five-part spin-off called "The One Moment" came about. Is there this one moment that changes your life forever? That sets a new course? In the (thoroughly positive) letters we received, there was one sentence that made us wonder: "Thank you for this program! Finally ORF is showing authentic people."
The first stirring of emotion within the editorial team was: what does that mean? "Authentic people", that's what we always show. We don't hire actors, we try not to bring in too many experts at once. We are constantly on the lookout for "normal" people, for "affected people," as they are called. What was the difference? The difference (and this was shown to us by the many other letters we received) was in the life stories. The people we show are not "affected", they are "broken", "shattered". A crack runs through their surface, a scar is visible. Something has happened to them that has healed, but it remains in the biography. It changes everything.
For example, the story of the man who wants to make a surprise for a bride and groom with friends in his garage. An explosive device goes off, ripping off one of his arms. And he tells, in tears, that it's not the big deal - being an invalid - but that it's the daily little touches that plague him so. And that, however, it was precisely this accident that made him go beyond his limits. Today he climbs the highest peaks. Or the single mother who is suddenly diagnosed with blood cancer. And who actually finds a stem cell donor. "I'm alive," she says, "It's a miracle." We were surprised at the strong sense of identification these stories generated. And they showed us that in other productions, the people affected seem to be seen as "strong" and "flawless." They are the ones who dare to go in front of the camera, who fight for something, who have an agenda. That's a good thing, too. But "Der eine Moment" in particular has shown that there is another longing among audiences: For fractures, for flaws, for mistakes. "Finally authentic people" - finally people who live with their scars just like you do. What we learned from "The One Moment" is reminiscent of the Japanese tradition of kintsugi. There, broken cups are not thrown away, but puttied with gold. The breakage makes them unique. The flaw is gilded. Because it makes our identity, ultimately makes us who we are.

ORF mission statement
ORF is aware of its social and, in particular, societal responsibility and makes a valuable contribution to public diversity of opinion and communication quality, and thus to tolerance, solidarity and integration in society.


Termine im März

Di 1. Faschingsdienstag
Mi 2. Ö3: Nachrichten zu jeder vollen Stunde
Fr 4. Start "Starmania22"
Sa 5. Ö1, Sieger/innenprojekte "track 5' "
Mo 7. 150. Geburstag von Piet Mondrian
Di 8. Weltfrauentag
Mi 9. ORF III: "Heimat Österreich"
Fr 11. 3sat: "Kulturzeit"
So 13. "Dober dan, Koroška" in der TVthek
Mo 14. "ZIB Nacht"
Di 15. ORF2: "bewusst gesund"
Mi 16. aspekte Festival für Neue Musik - Ö1
Do 17. St. Patrick's Day
Fr 18. Holi - Fest der Farben
Sa 19. Josefitag (K, St, T, V)
So 20. "Hinter den Kulissen der Volksoper"
Mo 21. Welt-Down-Syndrom-Tag
Di 22. 75. Geburtstag von André Heller
Mi 23. 80. Geburtstag von Michael Haneke
Fr 25. ORF1: "Hallo Österreich"
Sa 26. Ö1: "Mittagsjournal"
So 27. Oscars 2022
Di 29. ORF1: "ZIB 18"
Do 31. Transgender Day of Visibility

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