
Hier finden Sie Neuigkeiten und Informationen aus Österreich, Europa und der Welt zu aktuellen Entwicklungen unter anderem in den Bereichen »Public Value«, »öffentlich-rechtliche Medien«, sowie »Qualitätsjournalismus«.

Providers of audiovisual media services will soon have to comply with new rules. This week, the European Parliament voted for updated rules for audiovisual media services. A summary of the most important changes:

To whom do the new rules apply?
Next to traditional broadcasters, the revised rules will also apply to video-on-demand platforms such as Netflix and video-sharing platforms like YouTube or Facebook. Platforms for live streaming are also obliged to adhere to the revised legislation.

Which new rules are there?

Better protection of children

Audiovisual media services have to provide measures to protect minors from violence, hatred and terrorism as well as pornography. Video-sharing platforms like YouTube will have to create a system for flagging inappropriate content that is effective and transparent. They will also be responsible to react quickly, when content has been flagged by users. With the new law, the rules for advertising in children's programmes will also be stricter - both for broadcasters and video-on-demand platforms. Children's data must not be used for commercial or targeting purposes.

New limits of advertising

TV broadcasters currently have an hourly limit for advertising (20 % of an hour, that is a maximum of 12 minutes per hour). The new law wants to enhance the broadcaster's flexibility. The limit of 20 % advertising remains, but it is not measured every hour but in two time spans: between 6.00 am and 6.00 pm and in the prime-time between 6.00 pm and 0.00 am.

30 % European content on Netflix and Co.

Video-on-demand platforms like Netflix have to ensure that 30 % of their content is European. Also, they are supposed to invest European productions. The European Parliament wants to support the cultural diversity with this rule.

When will they be in force?
The Council of EU ministers still has to formally approve the new regulations. Then, the revised law can enter into force. From that moment on, the EU member states have to transform the rules into national legislation within 21 months.

More information:
Current directive


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