"Do you want to be controlled by American or Chinese companies?"
Meredith Whittaker became known worldwide for her protest against surveillance and discrimination by Google and is considered one of the most competent AI experts. On May 13, she will be in Vienna for the first time for a public debate: as a guest at the ORF DialogForum, she will be talking to Klaus Unterberger (ORF Public Value), German AI expert Paul Nemitz (author of "Prinzip Mensch: Power, Freedom and Democracy in the Age of Artificial Intelligence"), Armin Thurnher ("Falter") and Nadja Hahn (ORF Domestic Politics) to answer critical questions. 

Are Social Networks a threat to liberal Democracy?
Researchers Matthias Karmasin, Stefan Strauß and Magdalena Pöschl investigated this question in their study by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW). They presented the less than optimistic results to the Austrian parliament. The business ideology of social media promotes polarization and trust in politics, science and the media is dwindling. There is little regulation, which would leave liberal democracies in social networks in a "vacuum". According to the research findings, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and co. have positive effects in autocracies, but have an "increasingly negative" impact on liberal democracies. The ÖAW researchers therefore come to the pessimistic conclusion that social networks do not promote diversity of opinion and participation in discourse as expected, but paradoxically have the opposite effect. [more]

Public Value TEXTS 27
Public Value TEXTE 27 has been published. In this collection, experts deal with expectations of a PSM children's program. The full issue can be found here (in German). 

What we don't see ...
... are the hidden interests, secret agreements, backgrounds, and many connections that hold the world together but often remain hidden. Journalists working in the genre of "documentary" are precisely the ones who look at these "blind spots." They look behind the scenes of power, uncover hidden things, present unknown, new, and foreign aspects, and establish connections that are invisible at first glance. 


New from 2024: ORF KIDS
The new year starts with a new ORF programme. Following the recently implemented ORF law, ORF will offer an exclusive offering for the youngest generation starting in 2024. What will it look like? What are the expectations of experts, but especially the children themselves?

Leipziger Impuls IV
In September, the fourth "Leipziger Impuls" was presented at the Third European Public Value Conference, and it has now been adopted with the title "To want Europe, one must strengthen the focus on the common good." The initiators are the MDR and the Leipzig Graduate School of Management, as well as the ARD Chair, SWR, ZDF, Deutschlandradio, ARTE Deutschland, SRG/SSR, and ORF.

The "Leipzig Impulse IV" can be found here


DialogForum: More than love and crime
Whether it's a TV movie or a music show, cabaret or comedy - entertainment is the biggest programming pillar on television. Is there more to it than pleasure and whimsy, is there attitude and education along with heart and pain? What quality criteria should apply? What obligations, what no-goes make up public entertainment?

DialogForum: criticism, competence, control
Is media quality more than an assertion? Who defines it? Who judges, evaluates and controls it? The state, the audience or soon artificial intelligence? How does Public Service Media prove that they are fulfilling their mission? [more]

DialogForum: Fourth Estate at an End? Freedom of the press under pressure

Threats to freedom of press: various crises, war and violence. This is the alarming result of the annual "Press Freedom Index" of the non-governmental organisation "Reporters without Borders". Are Europe's quality media endangered in their existence and relevance? What impact will this have on society and democracy? And last but not least: How do public service media react to this? 

DialogForum: What's to come for Austrian Film?
ORF is the largest client of the Austrian film and television industry.  Every year, the Austrian Public Broadcaster invests around 100 million in the Autrian film industry. Reason to ask: What actually constitutes "Austrian film"? What distinguishes public film production from commercial production? How will it continue in the future? [more]

RIPE, the most important scientific conference on public service media, met in Vienna in 2022 and offered a forum to address various aspects of the media quality discourse from the perspective of various European research institutions. Watch the Keynote here.

Texte 26
TEXTE 26 - Between the Fourth Estate and the Fifth Power
ORF is required by law to provide comprehensive quality control. In addition to the Public Value Report and the Annual Report, this consists primarily of elements created with the help of scientific expertise: The „Audience Panels”, during which the audience‘s opinion on various program pillars is explored, are evaluated by a social science institute. The representative survey on program appreciation, among other things, is conducted by social scientists, as is the testing of the quality profiles - the self-commitments of ORF editors to various program genres. [more]

Who can you trust online?
Why is it so easy to spread fake news and conspiracy theories? Who can we trust online? How can the digital word be improved? Find out in this video. [more]

How does Google use our Data?
It's no longer a secret that Google, Facebook, Amazon and other Tech Giants collect their users' data in order to improve their software and personalize online advertising. Despite this fact, these services and platforms are used by billions of people around the world. Is there any chance to shape the digital world into a more democratic and less profit-seeking direction? A video by Viktoria Tatschl [more]


Quality Booklet
The ORF is committed to an extensive quality assurance system which is to control and optimise the fulfilment of the legal public service mandate and optimise the fulfilment of its legal public service mandate. This first-ever collection of articles documents the individual measures and provides answers how academics and media professionals assess the quality of public service broadcasting. [more] 


Data Booklet
How does the ORF fulfil its public service mission? The Public Value Report publishes a wide range of data and makes transparent with which productions which productions on TV, radio and online value and benefit for individual citizens and and society. Articles by editors provide a glimpse behind the behind the scenes of programme production. [more]


Die ORF Expertinnen-Datenbank
The aim of the Expert Women Database is to improve or increase the visibility and perceptibility of women experts in the ORF media of television, radio and online. The Expert Women Database is an initiative of ORF Equality and the Public Value Competence Center. [more]

The Denk|Raum is an offer for young media professionals at ORF. In penal discussions we deal with topics that concern our future: digital transformation, new technologies, innovation, but also corporate culture, transparency, independence and reliability. We talk about the ORF of the future. How we can change it and shape it. [more] 

What are the Keys for a Successful Digital Transformation? Isabelle Richter & Viktoria Tatschl in conversation with ORF-employees. [Die Videos]

The secret of the colors
ORF Public Value is defined by five quality dimensions and 18 performance categories. They are derived from the ORF Act, the ORF programme directives, the ORF guiding principles and current requirements in the society and media developments. [more]

DialogForum: SO GEHT KULTUR, BEST OF: Gerald Heidegger, abspielen
BEST OF: Gerald Heidegger,
DialogForum: SO GEHT KULTUR, BEST OF: Katherina Braschel, Autorin abspielen
BEST OF: Katherina Braschel, Autorin
DialogForum: SO GEHT KULTUR, BEST OF: Mercedes Echerer, Schauspielerin & Kulturbeirätin von ORF III abspielen
BEST OF: Mercedes Echerer, Schauspielerin & Kulturbeirätin von ORF III
DialogForum: SO GEHT ÖSTERREICH, BEST OF: Ursula Hofmeister, Radio Burgenland abspielen
BEST OF: Ursula Hofmeister, Radio Burgenland
DialogForum: SO GEHT ÖSTERREICH, BEST OF: Kenan Güngör, [think.difference] abspielen
BEST OF: Kenan Güngör, [think.difference]
DialogForum: SO GEHT ÖSTERREICH, BEST OF: Lisa Stadtherr, FH Campus Wien abspielen
BEST OF: Lisa Stadtherr, FH Campus Wien
DialogForum: SO GEHT BILDUNG, BEST OF: Susanne Hofer, Vorsitzende der österreichischen Gewerkschaftsjugend abspielen
BEST OF: Susanne Hofer, Vorsitzende der österreichischen Gewerkschaftsjugend
DialogForum: SO GEHT BILDUNG, BEST OF: Prof. Mag. Bernhard Heinzlmaier, Institut für Jugendkulturforschung abspielen
BEST OF: Prof. Mag. Bernhard Heinzlmaier, Institut für Jugendkulturforschung
DialogForum: SO GEHT BILDUNG, BEST OF: Günther Mayr, Leiter der ZIB-Wissenschaftsredaktion abspielen
BEST OF: Günther Mayr, Leiter der ZIB-Wissenschaftsredaktion
DialogForum: SO GEHT INFORMATION, BEST OF: Annámaria Tóth, Re:think Alliances abspielen
BEST OF: Annámaria Tóth, Re:think Alliances
DialogForum: SO GEHT INFORMATION, BEST OF: Ingrid Brodnig, Journalistin und Autorin abspielen
BEST OF: Ingrid Brodnig, Journalistin und Autorin
DialogForum: SO GEHT INFORMATION, BEST OF: Dr. Alexander Wrabetz, ORF-Generaldirektor abspielen
BEST OF: Dr. Alexander Wrabetz, ORF-Generaldirektor
DialogForum: WAS WIR LERNEN - Corona und die Folgen, So geht Public Value abspielen
DialogForum: WAS WIR LERNEN - Corona und die Folgen
So geht Public Value
DialogForum: WAS WIR LERNEN - Corona und die Folgen, So geht Kultur abspielen
DialogForum: WAS WIR LERNEN - Corona und die Folgen
So geht Kultur
DialogForum: WAS WIR LERNEN - Corona und die Folgen, So geht Information abspielen
DialogForum: WAS WIR LERNEN - Corona und die Folgen
So geht Information
"Wir müssen dort hingehen, wo es weh tut.", Klaus Dutzler, Sendungsverantwortlicher "Am Schauplatz" abspielen
"Wir müssen dort hingehen, wo es weh tut."
Klaus Dutzler, Sendungsverantwortlicher "Am Schauplatz"
Motto: "Ihr Ärger ist unser Auftrag", Martina Rupp, Moderatorin "konkret" abspielen
Motto: "Ihr Ärger ist unser Auftrag"
Martina Rupp, Moderatorin "konkret"
Ruhe bewahren und nicht spekulieren, Simone Stribl, Zeit im Bild abspielen
Ruhe bewahren und nicht spekulieren
Simone Stribl, Zeit im Bild
"Augenhöhe und Normalität sind mir wichtig", Miriam Labus, Moderatorin "Ohne Grenzen" abspielen
"Augenhöhe und Normalität sind mir wichtig"
Miriam Labus, Moderatorin "Ohne Grenzen"
FM4 Stay at Home Sessions, Musiker/innen melden sich aus der Isolation abspielen
FM4 Stay at Home Sessions
Musiker/innen melden sich aus der Isolation
So geht (Pop)Kultur im ORF - Die Bilderbuch-Dokumentation, Siegfried Steinlechner, ORF Kultur abspielen
So geht (Pop)Kultur im ORF - Die Bilderbuch-Dokumentation
Siegfried Steinlechner, ORF Kultur
ORF-RadioKulturhaus: Fünf Bühnen für die Kunst, Thomas Wohniz, Leiter des ORF-RadioKulturhauses abspielen
ORF-RadioKulturhaus: Fünf Bühnen für die Kunst
Thomas Wohniz, Leiter des ORF-RadioKulturhauses
FM4-Wortlaut-Preisträgerin im Interview, Katherina Braschel, Autorin abspielen
FM4-Wortlaut-Preisträgerin im Interview
Katherina Braschel, Autorin
Über das Erfolgsrezept "Barbara Karlich Show", Helga Janisch-Pryce, Leiterin Ressort Talk abspielen
Über das Erfolgsrezept "Barbara Karlich Show"
Helga Janisch-Pryce, Leiterin Ressort Talk
Das Risiko zu Scheitern, Barbara Eder, Filmregisseurin abspielen
Das Risiko zu Scheitern
Barbara Eder, Filmregisseurin
Kooperation ist Alltag, Landesstudio Vorarlberg abspielen
Kooperation ist Alltag
Landesstudio Vorarlberg
Rolf Rüdiger: Eine Puppe im Radio, Auf ORF Radio Wien abspielen
Rolf Rüdiger: Eine Puppe im Radio
Auf ORF Radio Wien
So geht Brauchtum, ORF Burgenland abspielen
So geht Brauchtum
ORF Burgenland
So geht Programm für Volksgruppen, Radio Burgenland abspielen
So geht Programm für Volksgruppen
Radio Burgenland
Respekt für den Dialekt, ORF Steiermark abspielen
Respekt für den Dialekt
ORF Steiermark
Ein einzigartiges Orchester, 50 Jahre RSO Wien abspielen
Ein einzigartiges Orchester
50 Jahre RSO Wien
Universum History mit europäischer Kooperation, Tom Matzek, Hauptabteilungsleiter Wissenschaft, Bildung & Zeitgeschehen abspielen
Universum History mit europäischer Kooperation
Tom Matzek, Hauptabteilungsleiter Wissenschaft, Bildung & Zeitgeschehen
Koopeation macht Kultur zugänglicher, Silvia Lahner, Abteilungsleiterin Ö1 Kultur abspielen
Koopeation macht Kultur zugänglicher
Silvia Lahner, Abteilungsleiterin Ö1 Kultur
So geht internationale Zusammenarbeit, Petra Gruber, Leiterin Koordination 3sat/arte abspielen
So geht internationale Zusammenarbeit
Petra Gruber, Leiterin Koordination 3sat/arte
Denk|Raum, Das Netzwerk für junge Ideen abspielen
Das Netzwerk für junge Ideen
Ein öffentlich-rechtliche soziales Netz, Der ORF-Player abspielen
Ein öffentlich-rechtliche soziales Netz
Der ORF-Player
Mit der ORF1-Freistunde durch die Krise, ORF1-Inforedaktion abspielen
Mit der ORF1-Freistunde durch die Krise
Es braucht Vertrauen und Unterstützung, Kurt Kremser, Behindertenvertrauensperson im ORF abspielen
Es braucht Vertrauen und Unterstützung
Kurt Kremser, Behindertenvertrauensperson im ORF
Digitalisierung und Multimedialität sind zentral, Vanessa Peiker, ORF-Schulungsabteilung abspielen
Digitalisierung und Multimedialität sind zentral
Vanessa Peiker, ORF-Schulungsabteilung