
Hier finden Sie Neuigkeiten und Informationen aus Österreich, Europa und der Welt zu aktuellen Entwicklungen unter anderem in den Bereichen »Public Value«, »öffentlich-rechtliche Medien«, sowie »Qualitätsjournalismus«.

The results of a report by the European Commission suggest that US tech giants Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Microsoft aren’t responding to cases of online hate speech fast enough. According to the EU’s code of conduct to combat illegal online hate speech, which was implemented in May 2016 and agreed upon by all big players of the IT-sector, technology companies are required to review reports of hate speech less than 24 hours after they were first reported. However, the results of the first assessment of this new code of conduct indicate, that only 40 percent of all notifications of hate speech were acted upon within a 24-hour timeframe.

European Commissioner for Justice Věra Jourová said in a statement this week: "It is our duty to protect people in Europe from incitement to hatred and violence online. This is the common goal of the code of conduct.”

Twelve NGOs based in nine EU countries analyzed the responses to hate speech notifications over a six-week timeframe for the evaluation during October and November 2016. The findings, according to the European Commission, indicate that among the 600 notifications of online hate speech made in total, 28 percent led to a removal, 40 percent of all responses were received within 24 hours, while another 43 percent arrived after 48 hours.

Article: Europe Presses American Tech Companies to Tackle Hate Speech

Code of conduct countering illegal hate speech online


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Quality Booklet
The ORF is committed to an extensive quality assurance system which is to control and optimise the fulfilment of the legal public service mandate and optimise the fulfilment of its legal public service mandate. This first-ever collection of articles documents the individual measures and provides answers how academics and media professionals assess the quality of public service broadcasting. [more] 


Data Booklet
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Die ORF Expertinnen-Datenbank
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The Denk|Raum is an offer for young media professionals at ORF. In penal discussions we deal with topics that concern our future: digital transformation, new technologies, innovation, but also corporate culture, transparency, independence and reliability. We talk about the ORF of the future. How we can change it and shape it. [more] 

What are the Keys for a Successful Digital Transformation? Isabelle Richter & Viktoria Tatschl in conversation with ORF-employees. [Die Videos]

The secret of the colors
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