Public Value and the meaning for a community

Lizzie Jackson, Ravensbourne College

Public value is found in the quality of messages but also in the breadth of messages, the right of reply, how informed a citizenry is, how able they are to change their lives to make decisions to act in the interest of themselves, their family, their immediate community and the wider community and their region. It also enhances the ability of a nation to enhance its own standing globally and to communicate with its neighbors and with other cultures and to increase tolerance – and spiritual values as well as capital values, economic values, practical concerns and considerations.

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© ORF/Thomas Jantzen
»Wirtschaft muss sozial- und demokratieverträglich sein«
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© ORF/Hans Leitner
DialogForum: »How to change the world«
in cooperation with Webster Vienna Private University
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© ORF/Thomas Jantzen
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© ORF/Thomas Jantzen
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Vision 2050 - Keynote Jeremy Rifkin
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PSM is part of collective memory
Dr. Dana Mustata, Universität Groningen
Public Value and the meaning for a community, Lizzie Jackson, Ravensbourne College abspielen
Public Value and the meaning for a community
Lizzie Jackson, Ravensbourne College