Civil Society

»Public service broadcasting has to serve the public«

European public service media is unique, because it is adressing citizens, not just consumers. The public service mission creates a strong bond between media production and civil society. Therefore, it is important that civil society is vocal and demands for high quality media content. The media needs to be held accountable, at every level!

Uwe Hasebrink, director of the Hans Bredow Institute for Media Research: "Public service broadcasting has to serve the public; it is our duty to be accountable to the public. Within a society, nothing is real unless the media is communicating about it. Therefore, there also has to be communication about what the media is doing."

Klaus Unterberger, head of Public Value ORF: "Measuring the impact of public service media is crucial because public service media is not about an ivory tower, it is a real life experience."

Public Value Bericht 2014/15, WOHIN? abspielen
Public Value Bericht 2014/15
Public Value Bericht 2013/14, Trailer zur Public-Value-Woche im ORF abspielen
Public Value Bericht 2013/14
Trailer zur Public-Value-Woche im ORF
Hahnenkamm-Rennen: Herausforderungen für Mensch und Technik, Rainer Pariasek und Hans Knauss abspielen
Hahnenkamm-Rennen: Herausforderungen für Mensch und Technik
Rainer Pariasek und Hans Knauss