Regional director Klaus Obereder

ORF Upper Austria


ORF Upper Austria
Regional Director Klaus Obereder
Klaus Obereder was born in Linz in 1967. After graduating from high school, he began studying law at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz and worked as a freelancer for the "Oberösterreichische Nachrichten". After completing his military service, Obereder became a freelancer in 1989 and later a salaried editor at the ORF regional studio in Upper Austria, before becoming editor-in-chief in May 2021. For 32 years - including almost 25 years as a manager - Klaus Obereder has worked as editor-in-chief, journalist, programme maker, presenter and interviewer on TV and radio with a focus on politics and economics. Obereder was responsible, among other things, for the handling and planning of various major projects such as the "Summer Talks", elections, major chronicle events, programme focuses, annual reviews, "Oberösterreich heute kompakt" as well as for the operational implementation of the Corona Isolation.

On 16 September 2021, he was appointed Regional Director of the ORF Regional Studio Upper Austria.