"100 Jahre Radio in Österreich" - Das Buch
Was ist drin? 50 Fragen. 50 Antworten.
What's inside? 50 questions. 50 answers.
Public Value - Texte
Public Value Report 2022/23


DialogForum: Innovativ. Kreativ. Öffentlich-Rechtlich.
Live stream on 23 October from 2 pm.
We are all online and use the services of the digital giants: Facebook, TikTok, WhatsApp, Instagram, Signal, X and YouTube. But what do public service media offer? How do they keep pace with the enormous technological developments? The ORF Public Value Study ‘Fast Forward’ provides answers to these questions. In the DialogueForum ... [more]

DialogForum: 100 Jahre Radio
Vor hundert Jahren, am 1. Oktober 1924, nahm die Radio-Verkehrs AG (RAVAG) ihren Sendebetrieb in Österreich auf – ein Meilenstein der heimischen Rundfunkgeschichte und der Beginn einer Erfolgsstory, die bis heute andauert: [mehr]

100 years of radio in Austria - The book
The book contains contributions from over 160 authors, including Erika Pluhar, Regina Fritsch, Herbert Prohaska, Rudolf Buchbinder and Peter Cornelius, numerous ORF editors and presenters such as Robert Kratky, Andreas Knoll and Angelika Lang, as well as Corinna Drumm (VÖP), former radio pirate Margit Wolfsberger and Ulli Weish (Radio Orange). The content ranges from memories of personally significant musical moments to descriptions of relevant presenters and fictional radio characters from 100 years of radio programmes to the history of technology, including hoppalas, from historical analyses of the history of radio during the corporative state and National Socialism to radio politics in the Second Republic. [more]

EBU Radio Audience Trends: How often does Austria listen to the radio?
For 100 years, radio has been a daily companion for people in Austria. Research by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) now also indicates this. More radio is listened to in Austria than in most European countries. The EBU trend forecast shows that radio is still very important in society and will not disappear any time soon. At the same time, radio is becoming more mobile, more diverse and, above all, more future-orientated. [more]

SRG SSR Public Value: More than games, fun and excitement: Why we need entertainment
Entertainment programs don't have it easy. In contrast to information programs, they are often dismissed as unnecessary. This is wrong. A collection of research findings on the social value of entertainment shows why. [more]


DialogForum: European Media under pressure
"When hatred is unleashed in public, it can no longer be controlled and we are all in danger." So says Beata Belogová, editor-in-chief of the Slovakian daily newspaper "SME". The situation in our neighboring country after the assassination attempt on Prime Minister Robert Fico is indeed worrying. Watch the DialogForum on the topic now. [Video] (German)

Dr. Harald Kräuter (Direktor für Technik und Digitalisierung des ORF), Stefan Kollinger (Chief Innovation Officer in der Direktion für Technik und Digitalisierung), Marco Mursteiner, der Erfinder der KI-Software "AiDitor" und Antonio Arcidiacono (Direktor für Technologie und Innovation der EBU)
ORF wins European technology and innovation award with "AiDitor"
ORF has won the European Technology and Innovation Award of the European Broadcast Union (EBU), an association of 68 broadcasters, with its self-developed AI software "AiDitor". The innovative software supports journalists in radio, TV and online newsrooms in their work. "We are currently working on concepts for how we can make public service content available to our audience online in an even better and more contemporary way in the future, so that we don't leave this field to the global tech giants alone," says Stefan Kollinger, Chief Innovation Officer in the ORF Directorate for Technology and Digitisation. [more]

ORF initiative "Make yourself visible" launched
ORF's "Accessibility and Inclusion" department launches the "Make yourself visible" initiative, a pioneering project to promote the public presence of people with disabilities in advertising and subsequently also on television. [more]

Public Value TEXTE 28
Europe is facing major challenges. In addition to the war in Ukraine, the climate crisis and the increasing segmentation and polarization of its societies, the independence of Europe's media is also under scrutiny. Governments that invoke “illiberal democracy” or no less problematic “message control” are restricting press freedom. Populist and nationalist parties are attacking critical journalists. At the same time, fake news and hate speech are spreading on a threatening scale via social media channels. This is also challenging Europe's public media. How are they reacting to the digital transformation? Are they able to defend their independence? How do they meet the current challenges? 

The authors of the special issue of TEXTE 28 address these questions. Academics and media experts from all EU member states (and Switzerland) analyze the situation of public service media in their countries. [more]


Ö3 youth study – methode & facts
The Ö3 Youth Study is a project by Hitradio Ö3, supported by ORF Public Value and scientifically monitored and finally analyzed by the social research institute FORESIGHT. In particular, 16 to 25-year-olds were invited to answer and discuss questions across all areas of life and thus draw a current picture of their generation.

The data basis for the Ö3 Youth Study is an online survey: Between April 15 and May 12, a total of around 30,000 young people took part in the survey. The study analyzed the target group of 16 to 25-year-olds, who answered at least 80% of the questions. The quality of the results and the significance of the Ö3 youth study were reviewed last year: A representative telephone and online survey of n=800 young people aged 16 to 25 conducted in the same period as the Ö3 Youth Study 2023 came to consistent results for all key indicators.

You can download the study here

Are Social Networks a threat to liberal Democracy?
Researchers Matthias Karmasin, Stefan Strauß and Magdalena Pöschl investigated this question in their study by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW). They presented the less than optimistic results to the Austrian parliament. The business ideology of social media promotes polarization and trust in politics, science and the media is dwindling. There is little regulation, which would leave liberal democracies in social networks in a "vacuum". According to the research findings, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and co. have positive effects in autocracies, but have an "increasingly negative" impact on liberal democracies. The ÖAW researchers therefore come to the pessimistic conclusion that social networks do not promote diversity of opinion and participation in discourse as expected, but paradoxically have the opposite effect. [more]

Who can you trust online?
Why is it so easy to spread fake news and conspiracy theories? Who can we trust online? How can the digital word be improved? Find out in this video. [more]

How does Google use our Data?
It's no longer a secret that Google, Facebook, Amazon and other Tech Giants collect their users' data in order to improve their software and personalize online advertising. Despite this fact, these services and platforms are used by billions of people around the world. Is there any chance to shape the digital world into a more democratic and less profit-seeking direction? A video by Viktoria Tatschl [more]

What do you get?
In TV, radio, online, the nine national studios, the cooperations with 3sat and ARTE? What does the ORF provide in return for 50 cents per day and household? How does it fulfill its public service mandate? Here you will find 50 specific questions to the ORF and 50 specific answers.

Qualtätsheft. Qualität auf dem Prüfstand
Quality Booklet
The ORF is committed to an extensive quality assurance system which is to control and optimise the fulfilment of the legal public service mandate and optimise the fulfilment of its legal public service mandate. This first-ever collection of articles documents the individual measures and provides answers how academics and media professionals assess the quality of public service broadcasting. [more] 

Expert*innen DB

Die ORF Expertinnen-Datenbank
The aim of the Expert Women Database is to improve or increase the visibility and perceptibility of women experts in the ORF media of television, radio and online. The Expert Women Database is an initiative of ORF Equality and the Public Value Competence Center. [more]

Zukunftsprojekt: Denk|Raum
The Denk|Raum is an offer for young media professionals at ORF. In penal discussions we deal with topics that concern our future: digital transformation, new technologies, innovation, but also corporate culture, transparency, independence and reliability. We talk about the ORF of the future. How we can change it and shape it. [more] 

The secret of the colors
ORF Public Value is defined by five quality dimensions and 18 performance categories. They are derived from the ORF Act, the ORF programme directives, the ORF guiding principles and current requirements in the society and media developments. [more]

What are the Keys for a Successful Digital Transformation? Isabelle Richter & Viktoria Tatschl in conversation with ORF-employees. [Die Videos]