
Hier finden Sie Neuigkeiten und Informationen aus Österreich, Europa und der Welt zu aktuellen Entwicklungen unter anderem in den Bereichen »Public Value«, »öffentlich-rechtliche Medien«, sowie »Qualitätsjournalismus«.

Ethnic groups in the digital environment was the subject of the 28th European People's Conference hosted by the regional government of Carinthia this month.

There are currently 340 ethnic miniority groups (also called national groups) living in 47 countries in Europe. The majority of them were established in Central and Eastern Europe in the aftermath of the World Wars but more recent groups were set up after the disintegration of the Soviet Union and the former Yugoslavia in the 90s.

While there is a commonly accepted view that globalism is endangering minorities, digitisation is actually creating unimaginable opportunities to preserve their identity and encourage their development. New media has provided a renaissance for minority languages, helped improve the visibility and wealth of diversity in Europe and motivated more minority groups to redefine their identity.

The congress featured contributions from the DG of ORF and the Deputy DG of RTV SLO and produced a new strategy on the 'digital agenda of the national groups/minorities' illustrating how new technology will help preserve their existence.

The event underlined the pivotal role of radio and television, and especially of public service media with our Members offering almost 290 services specifically for ethnic minority audiences.

The EBU has also instigated a number of projects to help support broadcasting to minority audiences. For example, it created a Roma Task Force and facilitated an exchange of news stories through the ERNO. It continues to work in this area, with the ambition of training journalists from minority groups to cover stories from their own communities.

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Quality Booklet
The ORF is committed to an extensive quality assurance system which is to control and optimise the fulfilment of the legal public service mandate and optimise the fulfilment of its legal public service mandate. This first-ever collection of articles documents the individual measures and provides answers how academics and media professionals assess the quality of public service broadcasting. [more] 


Data Booklet
How does the ORF fulfil its public service mission? The Public Value Report publishes a wide range of data and makes transparent with which productions which productions on TV, radio and online value and benefit for individual citizens and and society. Articles by editors provide a glimpse behind the behind the scenes of programme production. [more]


Die ORF Expertinnen-Datenbank
The aim of the Expert Women Database is to improve or increase the visibility and perceptibility of women experts in the ORF media of television, radio and online. The Expert Women Database is an initiative of ORF Equality and the Public Value Competence Center. [more]

The Denk|Raum is an offer for young media professionals at ORF. In penal discussions we deal with topics that concern our future: digital transformation, new technologies, innovation, but also corporate culture, transparency, independence and reliability. We talk about the ORF of the future. How we can change it and shape it. [more] 

What are the Keys for a Successful Digital Transformation? Isabelle Richter & Viktoria Tatschl in conversation with ORF-employees. [Die Videos]

The secret of the colors
ORF Public Value is defined by five quality dimensions and 18 performance categories. They are derived from the ORF Act, the ORF programme directives, the ORF guiding principles and current requirements in the society and media developments. [more]