“TEXTE - public-service quality in discourse” are academic issues produced by ORF, which are devoted to external expertise and academic deliberation. The issues provide a place where (public service) media quality can be discussed.

International and national authors publish their contributions on the meaning of welfare oriented public-service media; its function, performance, product quality and activities. The individual articles are allocated to the five quality dimensions of the Public Value Report and labeled with the corresponding colour code.

TEXTE 28: Public Service Media in Europe (en), The Future of Public Service Media in the European Union abspielen
TEXTE 28: Public Service Media in Europe (en)
The Future of Public Service Media in the European Union
TEXTE 26 - Between the Fourth Estate and the Fifth Power, with: a.o. Elvira Garcia de Torres, Jose Maria Legorburu, David Parra Valcarce, Concha Edo Bolos, Minna Horowitz, ... abspielen
TEXTE 26 - Between the Fourth Estate and the Fifth Power
with: a.o. Elvira Garcia de Torres, Jose Maria Legorburu, David Parra Valcarce, Concha Edo Bolos, Minna Horowitz, ...
TEXTE 25 - Why independence matters, with a.o. Jeremy Dear, Barbara Thomass, Aljaz Bastic and Christian Fuchs abspielen
TEXTE 25 - Why independence matters
with a.o. Jeremy Dear, Barbara Thomass, Aljaz Bastic and Christian Fuchs
TEXTE 17 - Why Independence Matters, By Boris Bergant, Michal Glowacki, Beate Haselmayer et al. abspielen
TEXTE 17 - Why Independence Matters
By Boris Bergant, Michal Glowacki, Beate Haselmayer et al.
Texte 14: ESC - More than music?, By Karen Fricker, Harald Huber und Irving Wolther et al. abspielen
Texte 14: ESC - More than music?
By Karen Fricker, Harald Huber und Irving Wolther et al.
Texte 13 - Sonderheft zum Public Value Bericht 13/14, Contributions of all 27 EU member states abspielen
Texte 13 - Sonderheft zum Public Value Bericht 13/14
Contributions of all 27 EU member states
We are all Greeks, Katharine Sarikakis, University of Vienna abspielen
We are all Greeks Katharine Sarikakis, University of Vienna
A blow to democracy, Anthony A. Mills, Director of Communications of the International Press Institute abspielen
A blow to democracy
Anthony A. Mills, Director of Communications of the International Press Institute
Greek public media in turmoil, Marc Gruber, Director of the European Federation of Journalists abspielen
Greek public media in turmoil
Marc Gruber, Director of the European Federation of Journalists
No signal, Hans Laroes, Chair of the Task Force that created the EBU Charta ”EMPOWERING SOCIETY“ abspielen
No signal
Hans Laroes, Chair of the Task Force that created the EBU Charta ”EMPOWERING SOCIETY“
A state of emergency, Rubina Möhring, Reporters without borders abspielen
A state of emergency Rubina Möhring, Reporters without borders
The price to pay, Mag. Ernst Gelegs, foreign correspondent for Eastern Europe, ORF abspielen
The price to pay
Mag. Ernst Gelegs, foreign correspondent for Eastern Europe, ORF
When the self-evident is endangered…, Kostas Argyros, journalist & producer, NET TV abspielen
When the self-evident is endangered…
Kostas Argyros, journalist & producer, NET TV
View from the inside: majorities and minorities, Vasilis Vasilopoulos, Head of Digital News, ERT abspielen
View from the inside: majorities and minorities
Vasilis Vasilopoulos, Head of Digital News, ERT
View from the inside: the «succERT» story, Annita Paschalinou, digital news, ERT abspielen
View from the inside: the «succERT» story
Annita Paschalinou, digital news, ERT
Why Greece matters: Values debate in sharp focus, Ingrid Deltenre, Director General of EBU abspielen
Why Greece matters: Values debate in sharp focus
Ingrid Deltenre, Director General of EBU
Texte 9 - Why Greece matters, By Katharine Sarikakis, Hans Laroes und Kostas Argyros et al. abspielen
Texte 9 - Why Greece matters
By Katharine Sarikakis, Hans Laroes und Kostas Argyros et al.

What do you get?
In TV, radio, online, the nine national studios, the cooperations with 3sat and ARTE? What does the ORF provide in return for 50 cents per day and household? How does it fulfill its public service mandate? Here you will find 50 specific questions to the ORF and 50 specific answers.

Qualtätsheft. Qualität auf dem Prüfstand
Quality Booklet
The ORF is committed to an extensive quality assurance system which is to control and optimise the fulfilment of the legal public service mandate and optimise the fulfilment of its legal public service mandate. This first-ever collection of articles documents the individual measures and provides answers how academics and media professionals assess the quality of public service broadcasting. [more] 

Expert*innen DB

Die ORF Expertinnen-Datenbank
The aim of the Expert Women Database is to improve or increase the visibility and perceptibility of women experts in the ORF media of television, radio and online. The Expert Women Database is an initiative of ORF Equality and the Public Value Competence Center. [more]

Zukunftsprojekt: Denk|Raum
The Denk|Raum is an offer for young media professionals at ORF. In penal discussions we deal with topics that concern our future: digital transformation, new technologies, innovation, but also corporate culture, transparency, independence and reliability. We talk about the ORF of the future. How we can change it and shape it. [more] 

The secret of the colors
ORF Public Value is defined by five quality dimensions and 18 performance categories. They are derived from the ORF Act, the ORF programme directives, the ORF guiding principles and current requirements in the society and media developments. [more]

What are the Keys for a Successful Digital Transformation? Isabelle Richter & Viktoria Tatschl in conversation with ORF-employees. [Die Videos]