
Hier finden Sie Neuigkeiten und Informationen aus Österreich, Europa und der Welt zu aktuellen Entwicklungen unter anderem in den Bereichen »Public Value«, »öffentlich-rechtliche Medien«, sowie »Qualitätsjournalismus«.

The Public Accounts Committee publishes reports which evaluate BBC’s critical projects. The report highlights that the government has a key role in oversight on behalf of license fee payers. According to the since the Digital Media Initiative project got cancelled in 2013, and led to a cost of nearly 100 million pounds from the fee payers, the BBC has strengthened its oversight of and reporting on critical projects. “The BBC is subjecting its critical projects to more effective scrutiny, underpinned by more frequent and timely reporting to the Executive and the BBC Trust”, mentions the
Additionally, the report highlights that the BBC has to ensure a robust process, which means has to be clear at an early stage about what projects will contribute to improve services for the audience, in order to encourage openness and transparency when problems arise, and to guarantee there is not scope for confusion over who is accountable for delivering each project.

[See full story here]


The European Commission is launching a Call for Proposals in the field of data-driven news production. The European Commission invites applicants to submit proposals to increase reporting on European issues, either from a pan-European point a view or by comparing different viewpoints from within Europe. The multimedia actions by the European Commission aim to engage EU citizens with the policy-making process by providing information about European issues from a pan-European viewpoint, rather than only reporting national perspective.

According to the European Commission big data may be of assistance to increase reporting on European issues by making it easier for media companies and journalist to produce innovate and attractive content, which allows citizens to be better informed and have a better understanding about the EU. By using data-driven news reporting journalists are able to visualize data to compare viewpoints across Europe, help audiences understand complex issues, contextualize story timelines and create interactions with the target audience. The European Commission states that the Call is open to both news reporting and more in-depth background reporting on current affairs. The Call is open to all types of media. Additionally the applicants have to indicate what value they could add to existing EU affairs reporting.

[See full story here]


In the course of an EU project an international team of researchers, amongst representative of the MODUL University Vienna, have been developing an open source dashboard for the newsroom called Pheme. According to the Pheme’s official website, Pheme is a set of innovative tools which will make users able to reveal hidden "modalities" such as reputation, influence or credibility of information in two different fields: journalism and enterprise (2016).
The online magazine Journalism mentions that the open source tool Pheme aims to assist the newsroom to instantly detect, track and verify facts and content spreading on social media platforms (2016). According to the magazine Journalism the EU project, which began January 2014, is aiming to have a completed prototype available to the public early next year (2016).

[See full story here]


The Irish Times mentions that social media networks publish and share news stories, hence act as a publisher. Elieen Culloty’s article “Is it time to treat Facebook as a traditional news publishers?”, discusses the value of journalism and editorial responsibilities.
According to Elieen Culloty, social media platforms are not subjected to the same responsibilities as press and broadcast media.
Furthermore the article in the Irish Times seeks to shed light on the issue that there is no simple solution to save the news industry and to safeguard journalism.

[See full story here]



The EBU and the Berlin-based production company EuroArts have partnered to produce a unique documentary series called “Soundtrack Europe”. The series, blending travel, culture and musical performances, will see German soul singer-songwriter Joy Denalane travel to different regions of Europe in search of the continent’s musical essence as expressed through its folk music.

Europe comprises 60 countries, about 120 languages, 742 million inhabitants and uncountable variations of folk music. According to the EBU and EuroArts music in Europe has shaped the identities of generations, has offered young people an open space for experimentation, and is the safe keeper of the heritage as well as reflects the voices of the present. According to the EBU by travelling through musical regions that are, like the continent itself, unified through diversity, the series promises to get to the heard of the complex issue of European identity.

[See full story here]



 New research from the EBU’s Media Intelligence Service demonstrates that subscription video-on-demand (SVoD) subscribers in Europe grew 56% between 2014 and 2015, and are expected to reach 50 million homes by 2020. The research shows that 97% of EBU Members, including the ORF, offer free catch-up video service. MIS’s research highlights that free catch-up services like BBC iPlayer remain the preferred way to access demand content.

In Austria, TVThek, ORF’s free catch-up service, offers the audience 7 days free catch-up of ORF produced TV series and news content. Additionally, in 2015 ORF partnered with Flimmit, the Austrian video-on-demand channel to offer Austrians 6000 movies from 60 different countries, with a focus on European film productions.

 [See full story here] 


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Qualität auf dem Prüfstand. Der ORF ist zu einem Qualitätssicherungssystem 

verpflichtet, das die Erfüllung des gesetzlichen öffentlich-rechtlichen Auftrags kontrollieren und optimieren soll. 

Diese erstmalige Sammlung von Beiträgen dokumentiert die einzelnen Maßnahmen und gibt Antworten darauf,

wie Wissenschaftler:innen und Medienfachleute öffentlich-rechtliche Qualität bewerten. [mehr] 

Wie erfüllt der ORF seinen öffentlich-rechtlichen Auftrag? Der Public Value-Bericht publiziert dazu vielfältige Daten und macht transparent, mit welchen Produktionen in TV, Radio und online Wert und Nutzen für einzelne Bürger:innen und die Gesellschaft erbracht werden. Artikel von Redakteur:innen ermöglichen einen Blick hinter die Kulissen der Programmproduktion. [mehr] 

Die ORF Expertinnen-Datenbank

Das Ziel der Expertinnen-Datenbank ist, die Sichtbarkeit und Wahrnehmbarkeit von Fachfrauen in den ORF-Medien Fernsehen, Radio und Online zu zu erhöhen. Die Expertinnen-Datenbank ist eine Initiative der ORF Gleichstellung und des Public Value Kompetenzzentrums. [mehr]


Der Denk|Raum ist ein Angebot für junge Medienmacher:innen im ORF.

In Diskussionsveranstaltungen und Workshops behandeln wir Themen, die unsere Zukunft betreffen. Es geht um den ORF der Zukunft. Wie wir ihn verändern, wie wir ihn gestalten. [mehr]

Wie gelingt die digitale Transformation? Im Transform-Studio bitten Isabelle Richter & Viktoria Tatschl ORF-Mitarbeiter*innen zum Gespräch. [Die Videos]

Das Geheimnis der Farben
Fünf Qualitätsdimensionen und insgesamt 18 Leistungskategorien definieren ORF Public Value: abgeleitet aus dem ORF-Gesetz, den ORF-Programmrichtlinien, den ORF-Leitlinien sowie den aktuellen Anforderungsbedingungen in Gesellschaft und Medienentwicklung. [mehr]