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Öffentlich-rechtliche Medien in Europa Corona International „You Never Walk Alone” gilt auch für den ORF, der gemeinsam mit 116 Rundfunkanstalten in 56 Ländern in einem internationalen Netzwerk verbunden ist. Sie alle wurden im Zuge der Corona-Krise aktiv. Im Folgenden finden Sie Beispiele, wie öffentlich-rechtliche Medien in Europa reagiert haben, um ihrem Publikum besondere Informations- und Unterhaltungsangebote zu bieten.


According to new research published by IPI, the COVID-19 pandemic is having a rapid and significant effect on media freedom in the European Union. The briefing paper shows, how in a short space of time, several states have implemented emergency laws and restrictions which challenge the ability of journalists to inform the public and hold those in power to account.
Analyses show many of the most serious violations are in central and Eastern Europe, where some governments have a poor record in protecting media freedoms and risk using the health pandemic to unnecessarily tighten control over the flow of information. As expected, the worst violations have taken place in states where press freedom crackdowns were already well underway, such as Hungary, Serbia and Turkey. Worryingly however, other states have also seen restrictions on journalists, either through limiting access to information or a rise in verbal physical attacks on journalists reporting on the COVID-19 lockdown measures.
The research was coordinated by IPI as part of the new Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) project and produced in cooperation with other press freedom partners. IPI will continue to produce briefings for the EU Commission Members of European Parliament (MEPs) over the coming weeks and months.

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