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Öffentlich-rechtliche Medien in Europa Corona International „You Never Walk Alone” gilt auch für den ORF, der gemeinsam mit 116 Rundfunkanstalten in 56 Ländern in einem internationalen Netzwerk verbunden ist. Sie alle wurden im Zuge der Corona-Krise aktiv. Im Folgenden finden Sie Beispiele, wie öffentlich-rechtliche Medien in Europa reagiert haben, um ihrem Publikum besondere Informations- und Unterhaltungsangebote zu bieten.


In 2017 the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) created a multi-platform campaign, called 'Keep Media Good' to demonstrate the positive impact Public Service Media (PSM) has on its audience. It was the first time broadcasters from all over Europe came together to create this pan-European PSM campaign. In powerful films broadcasters showed their audience's stories about how PSM influenced their lives in a positive way. All stories are available on in 7 different languages. "Our aim was to get people across Europe, and in particular young people, to re-appraise the value of their national PSM brand and understand its place within a bigger collective."

The next step is to create a movement for PSM. "We want this to go further. We want the whole EBU community to join in the future in order to make it a true movement, in favor to PSM", says Michelle Roverelli, EBU's Head of Communication.

'Keep Media Good' has now released two new videos about how PSM adapt to the current situation in terms of Education and News reporting ('Education during COVID-19' and 'PSM News during COVID-19').

Watch the videos:
EBU - Case Study:

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