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Öffentlich-rechtliche Medien in Europa Corona International „You Never Walk Alone” gilt auch für den ORF, der gemeinsam mit 116 Rundfunkanstalten in 56 Ländern in einem internationalen Netzwerk verbunden ist. Sie alle wurden im Zuge der Corona-Krise aktiv. Im Folgenden finden Sie Beispiele, wie öffentlich-rechtliche Medien in Europa reagiert haben, um ihrem Publikum besondere Informations- und Unterhaltungsangebote zu bieten.


In the age of media abundance, trust is important in the relationship between media and their audience. However, maintaining a high level of trust is more and more challenging in a world of news overflow and disinformation. Measuring trust is therefore essential for tracking citizens´ perception of the media system in general and a media organization and its output in particular.

The EBU report "TRUST IN MEDIA 2020" explores the persistent 'trust gap' between traditional and online media, and the correlation between press freedom and trust in radio and TV media.

It will also give you insights into how people are turning to PSM news content as an essential trusted source in the current COVID-19 crisis.

EBU Slide Deck: "TRUST IN MEDIA 2020"


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