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Maria Magdalena Pavitsich & Raphaela Pint, Editors ORF Burgenland #70 Are regional journalism and young audiences a contradiction? ORF is facing new challenges, especially when it comes to the interest of young people. It is competing with private broadcasters, print and giant platforms like Netflix, YouTube and Facebook - with their content creators scattered all over the world. In the battle against the global players in content, one characteristic in particular must be taken into account in the competition: content-packed, multi-functional, single platform - users will find the entire content and all functions bundled on ONE platform. On Facebook, you can now be friends with more than just old classmates: Users can find their next lunch, a new secondhand carpet, fancy shoes and possibly even a new love - possibly also secondhand.

ORF, on the other hand (which, in addition to information, is just as good at dating as it is at talent scouting and cooking shows), currently distributes its content on several internal and external platforms - TVthek, RADIOthek,, Spotify ... The clout of public broadcasting is fragmented: if you see an exciting story on ZIB, you can only find more via detours in ORF's online offering. Users today, however, are no longer willing to take detours. ORF must tear down the walls of its offer labyrinth and offer a playing field that meets, surprises and exceeds expectations. The ORF player can offer just that. TVthek, RADIOthek and become bundled offerings. Users get so much quantity, quality and regionality of content from Austria that it is unparalleled. But what if it's too much? When the offer is overwhelming and you can't find your way through the TV, radio, online and podcast jungle on your own?

The player takes users by the hand and shows them the way. And there's no need to reinvent the wheel. All the tools and tricks of the big players are tried and tested and optimized. The result is a pull that draws you in further and further, that makes you want more, that carries you from one story to the next, that recommends things that are tailor-made for the content and the user: TV, radio, online, podcasts - everything merges into one content pot - on ONE platform. Further links, in-depth background reports and interesting sidesteps - adapted to personal interest, preferences, the current news situation and previous user behavior. Users no longer have to search, they find. They are presented with suggestions that exceed expectations and increase dwell time. The player must be more than a collection of content and a fusion of platforms, because it enables individual news usage and entertainment while providing the necessary orientation.

The Player is an opportunity to present and expand ORF's existing offering in the best possible way. From global economic scandals to entertainment and regional news on the doorstep. Because regional journalism and young audiences are not a contradiction in terms, on the contrary. Local reporting creates proximity, and especially in times when we are globally connected via our smartphones, regionality and proximity play an increasingly important role. But regional journalism also needs to change if it wants to win over the young. It must become younger and more digital, it must create targeted formats for young people and respond to trends. Without detours. Intuitive. Easily accessible. Media use should inform and entertain, but it should and can also be fun, captivating and inspiring. The ORF player can ensure that ORF becomes what it already is for many young people - the best choice - even in times of Netflix, YouTube and Facebook: When it matters, ORF.